
Infrastructure-first approach to building LLM pipelines.

Define LLM pipelines as graphs in seconds. Get extremely fast Rust infrastructure, observability and evaluations out of the box.

LLM pipeline as a graph.

Stop hardcoding prompts and LLM business logic. Build LLM pipelines as graphs with prompt templates and fully managed building blocks, such as semantic search, web scraping, and more.

Rapid experimentation.

Iterate on prompts and change pipeline architecture without ever touching your backend code. Run dozens of experiments in parallel. Keep track of prompt templates with version control.


Get fastest Rust infrastructure out of the box.

Expose LLM pipelines as scalable API endpoints with a single click. Deploy with confidence using evaluation checks to ensure pipelines are performing as expected.

1curl 'https://api.lmnr.ai/v1/endpoint/run' ..

Monitor every trace.

All endpoint requests are logged, and you can easily inspect detailed traces of each pipeline execution. Logs are written asynchoronously to ensure minimal latency overhead.


Evaluate pipelines.

Run your pipelines on large datasets in parallel and evaluate them with a single click. Use built-in evaluators ranging from simple regex to semantic similarity. Or use another pipeline as an evaluator.
