Ship reliable LLM agents 10x faster.

A single platform for orchestration, deployment, observability and evaluations for LLM agents.

Y Combinator


Build LLM agents as dynamic graphs.

Use our visual programming interface to rapidly build and experiment with complex LLM agents. Then export graphs to zero-abstraction code or host it on our scalable infrastructure.

RAG out of the box

Fully-managed semantic search over datasets. We handle chunking, embeddings and vector database.

Python code block

Need some custom data transformation? Write custom python code with an access to all standard libraries.

LLM providers

Effortlessly swap between GPT-4o, Claude, Llama3 and many other models.

Real-time collaboration

Build and experiment with pipelines seamlessly as a team with Figma-like experience.

Local code interfacing

Seamlessly interface graph logic and local code execution. Call local functions in between node executions.

Remote debugger UI

Easily build and debug complex agents with many local function calls using our convenient UI.


Deploy on our scalable Rust infrastructure.

Pipeline are executed on our custom async engine written in Rust. They can be easily deployed as scalable API endpoints.

from lmnr import Laminar

l = Laminar("<YOUR_PROJECT_API_KEY>")
result =
    endpoint = "my_endpoint_name",
    inputs = {"input_node_name": "value"},
    env = {"OPENAI_API_KEY": "key"},
    metadata = {"session_id": "id"}

Generate zero-abstraction code from graph using our open-source package.

Use our open-source package to convert nodes to pure functions. Code is generated right inside your repo.

def run_llm():
    res =
def run_semantic_search():

def run_custom_code():
GitHub Repo


Monitor every trace.

All endpoint requests are logged, and you can easily inspect detailed traces of each pipeline execution. Logs are written asynchoronously to ensure minimal latency overhead.



Run custom evaluations on thousands of datapoints in seconds.

Design flexible evaluator pipelines which seamlessly interface with local code. Run them on large datasets in parallel. Don't waste time maintaining custom evaluation infrastructure.
